Who We Are

Friends of Hannah More is run entirely by volunteers. We have a group of trustees and a committee. We all live, work or volunteer in the city centre. We work hard to involve people from across the community and to ensure that our trustee board and committee reflect this diversity. 

We run fun events, classes for adults, extras for children, trips, celebrations and more. We also work hard to subsidise school events and signpost people to other sources of support.


Shaazna is one of our six trustees. Other current trustees are Fatoumata Ba, Viv Bignell, Ruth Cochrane, Sarah Franke and Iwona Salamon. We are always keen to recruit new trustees and would particularly welcome anyone with relevant skills. 


As well as our trustees, we have a small committee who also support our work. Charlene Lawrence, pictured here, is one of our committee members, as are Hannah Pepper, and Helen Barbour.


We value our diverse community immensely. All our activities welcome people from very different backgrounds and participants often volunteer to help with events.